Robert "FBOMB" Gunn


FOLLOW Robert "FBOMB" Gunn

Favorite Place to Travel: Reno, NV!

Favorite Bike: Yamaha.

Favorite Quote: "With great power, comes great responsibility"

What Bike do you ride and why?I ride a 2008 Yamaha R6. I started on a 2016 Yamaha R3 and I fell in love with Yamaha. I'm sure I will upgrade to the Yamaha R1 someday, but for now. I Love my R6!.

What do you enjoy most about the Motorcycle Community?I love that no matter what you ride, as long as you ride, you are accepted in our band of brotherhood. I have ridden with most people for the first time, and right away we get the connection as well as a great friendship. Riding is the best ice breaker to meeting new people. Never an awkward moment.